Range Information
We've included all the information you need to have an enjoyable fun experience below.
Range Information
We've included all the information you need to have an enjoyable fun experience below.
General Information
The Rainbow Range is a supervised range under the authority and control of the Range Staff.
The Range office is open from 9:00 am to closing.
The Range is open daily for members from 0900 (9:00 am) to 1800 (6:00 pm) or dusk, whichever is earlier. Winter hours are 0900 (9:00 am) to 1700 (5:00 pm) which follows day light savings time.
Absolutely no shooting before 0900 or after 1800 hours.
We are located:
3139 Rainbow Valley Blvd., Fallbrook, CA 92028
ALL MEMBERS are to log in at the office when entering and log out when leaving. The gate is to remain closed and locked except when the Range Staff is on property.
Membership card must be worn at all times while on Range property. Always carry another form of identification to verify that you are indeed a member.
Minor Associate members may handle and discharge firearms only while under the direct supervision of the member.
Members may have GUESTS who are permitted to shoot under the direct supervision of the RANGE MEMBER and in accordance with Range Policy & Rules.
Guests are only permitted when Range Staff is on property. A Guest fee is required.
Check with Range Staff for current policies, procedures and cost.
VISITORS of members are permitted. However, the visitor is not permitted to load, unload, or discharge any firearm.
Members are responsible for the actions and safety of their visitors and/or guests.
Shooting Range Layout
Shooting Range Details
Shooting Range Details
.22 RANGE, Range A (Pistol or Rifle) 50 Feet
1. .22 Rim fire only. No center fire or rim fire magnums.
2. Shoot only at target area between red range markers and below red crossbar. Do not shoot at rocks, concrete piers or woodwork.
3. Only use paper targets and only use metal targets provided by the Range.
4. Place targets at the target area only. Do not place any targets between the 50’ target area and the firing line. Dangerous ricochets may result.
.22 RIFLE RANGE, Range B (Rifle Only), 50 Yard
1. 3 target distances: 50 feet, 75 feet, and 50 yard.
2 .22 Rim fire rifles only. No center fire or magnums and no pistols.
3. Observe shooting area bounded by range markers. Do not shoot at targets on the Rifle Range, Range C.
4. Do not go down range to change targets until there is a cease fire on Range C, the Rifle Range.
5. Cease fire and open action when personnel are down range on the Rifle Range (Range C) to change targets. Watch for it. During cease fire, stand behind white line and do not handle firearms.
RIFLE RANGE, Range C (Rifle and Pistol & Shotgun)
1. 50, 70, and 100 yard target distances.
2. Observe shooting area bounded by red range markers. DO NOT SHOOT TREES or other vegetation. (Red range markers are not targets!)
3. Do not set targets and shoot at anything closer than 50 yards, as dangerous ricochets can result.
4. DO NOT use steel or glass targets. Cans and water filled plastic jugs may be used as targets if not placed on target holder mounds. Remove all trash after firing is complete.
5. Pistols may be fired on the rifle range, however, rifle shooters have priority.
6. Shotguns shall NOT be fired at target frames. See Range Staff for patterning board and assistance.
7. Insure a cease fire on the neighboring .22 Rifle Range (Range B) when going down range. Also cease fire when anyone is down range on Range B. During cease fire, stand behind white line and do not handle firearms.
8. Members shooting semi-automatic firearms and firearms with muzzle breaks should always show consideration to fellow shooters.
FALLING PLATE RANGE, Range D (Pistol Only)
1. Access is by the stairs only. Do not use access through the Rifle Range.
2. Pistol only, do not use rifle or shotgun.
3. No magnum loads.
4. No jacket bullets.
5. As with all other ranges, eye and hearing protection is mandatory.
PISTOL RANGE, Range E (Handguns Only)
1. Target positions are 15, 25, and 50 yards.
2. Only handguns may be fired at this range. Rifles and shotguns are not permitted.
3. Only metal targets supplied by the Range may be used.
4. Magnum loads are not to be fired at metal targets.
5. Do not shoot across the range.
6. Keep shots between red range markers. (Red range markers are not targets.)
7. Stand behind the white line when cease fire is called and do not handle firearms.
TRAP RANGE, Range F (Shotgun)
1. Keep shots within red range markers. Our property line is on the south side of this range, so please be
considerate of our neighbors.
2. No shot larger than #7 1/2.
3. TRAP SHOOT: Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, and Thursdays at 1:00 pm.
4. Trap parties may be arranged by contacting the Range Staff.
5. Range F is an open area and with approval of Range Staff, can be used for special purposes.
HANGING PLATE, Range G (Pistols and Shotguns Only)
1. Clear with shooters on the Pistol Range (Range E).
2. Access and egress only by the path from Trap Range (Range D), DO NOT go through the Pistol Range (Range E).
3. Fly the red flag while using this range. Remember to lower the flag when you leave.
4. No rifles.
5. No magnum loads or jacketed bullets permitted on this range.
6. As with all other ranges, eye and ear protection is mandatory.
150 YARD RANGE, Range H (By Reservation Only)
1. This Range may only be used by prior arrangement with Range Staff.
2. Range H is available only when Range Staff is on the property.
3. When in use, Range H shall have priority over Trap Range (F) and Falling Plate Range (G).
INSTRUCTION, Range I (Instructor Use Only)
1. Used for weapons instruction under Rainbow Range approved instructor and is CLOSED to general
membership and all other shooters.
2. Class information may be obtained from the Range Staff or visit www.RainbowShootingRange.com.
Trap is shot every Sunday 9am and Thursday 12pm

Rules and Safety
Your safety is our top priority at Rainbow Shooting Range. Click here to familiarize yourself with our comprehensive Rules & Safety Guidelines for a secure and enjoyable shooting experience!
Learn more about how to become a member and start enjoying the benefits now.

Events Calendar
For the most up-to-date information on special events and how you can take part.
Events Calendar
For the most up-to-date information on special events and how you can take part.